
A Whole New Experience: A Mini WordCamp for You Actually!

We love to attend WordCamps! Aren’t we? A couple of L-O-N-G and irritating pandemic years removed in-person WordCamps from our lives. Once those frustrating time is over, we’re back in the business. We’re having a series of physical WordCamps across the world including India and to make it more attractive, penetrating, and inclusive WordPress Central has devised some interesting event formats.

What is this new format?

Effective, far-reaching, and value-added –that’s what the WordPress Foundation looks for in the post pandemic era. In a recent development, Central has awarded Kolkata WordPress Community a GenNext Pilot project! They have decided to start with 12-15 pilot projects across the world. Few have been already completed by now in the various parts of the world ( Out of the remaining ones, WordPress Kolkata Community has been entrusted with an interesting Event called “Kolkata CareerCamp.” This is a first ever CareerCamp in India being organized by us, under the aegis of WordPress Central.

Is CareerCamp somewhat different from WordCamp?

Not much actually! Similar to WordCamp, this technical event covers a wide range of topics including career development, one-on-one meetings with industry professionals, large-scale networking, educational technical talks, panel discussions, quality assurance sessions, and much more. Kolkata welcomes you with mouthwatering food all day long, as usual!

What is the goal?

While the model of the event is pretty much the same like a WordCamp with which we’re familiar with, the purpose of this full-day event will be to connect the attendees/ jobseekers with the potential companies joining in the event as Sponsors, or Partners. This will certainly bring in meaningful support to a lot of budding users, bloggers, speakers, builders, marketers, designers, and WordPress enthusiasts.

How to get the tickets?

Tickets are on high demand and only a few Early Birds left. Regular price will go higher. So, I would encourage you to grab one by going to

Who Can Join?

Any young individual stepping into a professional world, tech, non-tech, or WordPress enthusiasts are most welcome to join But it is not limited to only jobseekers. Anybody and everybody can participate by booking an attendee ticket, very much like WordCamp.

Event Date: Saturday, 6th Jan, 2024

Duration: 9 AM to 5 PM (8 hours with a Lunch break in between)

Venue: O2 Hotel, Kaikhali, on the VIP Road (

So, on behalf of the WordPress Kolkata Community, I sincerely request all of you to come and join us as volunteers, speakers, sponsors, attendees and make this unique event a successful one.