

  • Milana Cap Avatar

    WordPress gems for devs: fresh new features you’ll actually want to use

    Milana Cap

    The latest WordPress editions bring some real treats for developers. We’ll look closer at the innovative HTML and Interactivity APIs as the most significant game changers in today’s WordPress development, with a splash of WP-CLI magic for faster, more fun development.

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  • Michal Czaplinski Avatar

    Mastering Modern Frontend Development with the Interactivity API

    Discover how the Interactivity API revolutionizes WordPress front-end development in this session with Michał Czapliński. This powerful new tool empowers developers to build highly responsive and dynamic websites, enhancing both performance and user engagement. Michał will walk through practical examples and share insights from real-world implementations, providing attendees with actionable techniques and best practices to […]

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Global Sponsors

  • Automattic
  • Bluehost
  • GoDaddy
  • Woo
  • WPBeginner


  • Michał Czapliński

    Michał Czapliński

    Michał Czapliński is a seasoned software developer and a key contributor to the WordPress community. As an engineer at Automattic, Michał specializes in front-end technologies and API development, driving innovative solutions in the WordPress ecosystem. With a solid commitment to open source, he has participated in various global conferences, sharing his insights on building interactive…

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  • Milana Cap

    Milana Cap

    Milana Cap is a WordPress engineer at XWP, a representative of the WordPress Documentation Team, and co-lead for several releases, from WordPress 5.8 to 6.2. A passionate advocate of open-source software, she has been an active contributor to the WordPress community, organizing major events like WordCamp Europe 2018 and 2019, with a focus on Contributor…

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Global Sponsors

  • Automattic
  • Bluehost
  • GoDaddy
  • Woo
  • WPBeginner