Core Days

An event for the WordPress community


Core Days is a two-day event dedicated to WordPress developers with the aim of creating a moment for the international community of contributors to get together and meet Core contributors, to discuss the future of WordPress and its evolution.

We came up with this idea with the aim of addressing two of the challenges that the global community of contributors have been discussing for a while, online and at WordCamps worldwide. 

  • Nowadays, traditionals WordCamps frequently focus on topics that are not strictly related to code, like marketing and SEO. 
  • Our developers are spread out in many regions, we primarily communicate through online calls or async on messaging platforms and social media, and rarely gather in-person. 

In the past decade, there has been a lack of WordPress events dedicated exclusively to development. We want to change that.


Core Days concept was born after the idea of celebrating the global WordPress community, so the official language of the event will be English. We can’t wait to welcome in our country all fellow WordPress passionates from around the world!

We were inspired by the past editions of the Community Summit and we envision Core Days as an itinerant event to be replicable by other WordPress communities every year or every couple of years.

An event like Core Days provides an opportunity to discuss various aspects of WordPress, share best practices, and find new solutions for WordPress development projects.


We want to design an inclusive and welcoming event, and it is a priority to us to have representations from different teams and projects. To ensure the long term sustainability and health of the developer community in WordPress, we need to participate in the same discussions, share our visions, agree on actionable next steps, and take responsibility for the projects we commit to. We can’t reach this goal without including representatives from all the voices dedicated to the project.

Another fundamental long term goal we’d like to reach, is to bring into our community developers who are not yet familiar with WordPress or think that they can’t contribute to it. By approaching new people, we receive new ideas and motivation.

On this very topic, another goal that we’ve set out to reach is to improve the reputation WordPress may have in some development circles, bolstering its trait of being a very versatile platform, that is balancing incredible longevity with bleeding edge technologies.

Because of the primary goals of the event, we want to offer a schedule that doesn’t include any traditional talk. We’d love to offer a format based on round tables, open discussions, and contribution rooms.