
Interview with Carlo Daniele

In this interview, Carlo Daniele shares his first experience with WordPress, explaining how it became his preferred platform. He reflects on his journey into contributing to open-source projects, starting with Barcamps and his first WordCamp speech. Carlo discusses his contributions to WordPress through plugin development and community engagement. We also explore his thoughts on the current direction of WordPress, offering a critical view of the challenges faced by new developers.


Interview with Carolina Nymark

In this interview, we delve into Carolina’s journey with WordPress, starting from her first experience with the platform and her reasons for choosing it. Carolina Nymark shares how she began contributing to the open-source community, highlighting her early involvement in theme development and the WordPress Theme Review Team. We also explore her significant contributions, including leadership roles in theme development and the creation of educational resources like


Interview with Giuseppe Mazzapica

In this interview, Giuseppe Mazzapica shares his introduction to WordPress in 2005, when he helped a friend transition to the platform, which led to his first experience with PHP and custom theme development. He discusses his early contributions to the WordPress community, such as translations, and highlights his impactful projects, particularly Brain Monkey. Giuseppe offers valuable advice to new developers, stressing the importance of maintaining well-being while contributing to open source.