Why should you attend Core Days?

Core Days is a special event that offers WordPress contributors the opportunity to:

  • Meet other contributors from all over the world. The WordPress community is a global community, with contributors from all over the world, and Core Days is a unique opportunity to meet developers from different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives.
  • Share your knowledge and expertise: at Core Days offers there will be multiple working and discussion groups covering a wide range of topics. Participants can learn from WordPress experts from around the world and exchange information, best practices, and points of view.
  • Work together on common projects. With Core Days working groups and discussion groups, contributors have an opportunity to collaborate in-person on ongoing projects, work together to fix issues, and develop new features to improve WordPress.

Below are some of the benefits of participating in Core Days:

  • Beginners can learn the basics of contributing to WordPress from more experienced contributors.
  • Veterans can share their knowledge and skills to spread best practices in software programming and analysis.
  • If you’re working on a specific project, you will find others who share the same passion and can help you overcome your challenges.
  • Altogether we will discuss and share the vision of WordPress, and we will decide what will come next. 

If you are a WordPress contributor or wonder what it is like contributing to WordPress as a developer, we encourage you to attend Core Days. It is an event that can help you grow and contribute to the future of WordPress.

Want to shape the future of WordPress? Grab your ticket now!