The attendees’ page is updated every hour. If you’ve purchased a ticket and don’t see your name here, please check back in an hour. Below is the first batch.
- Ambrose Bright
- Andrew Kedi
- Angel Nakindu
- Anitah Nantale
- Atuganza Ridler
- Atuhairwe Natasha
- Bashir Ssebulime
- Bukenya Hidhir
- Charity Namiyingo
- Deus Asiimwe
- Dusingize Phionah
- Edith Mbatudde
- Everest Nuwagaba
- Ezra Ssemakula
- Given Ankunda
- Harriet Babirye
- Hope Nabateregga
- Jackline Namwogerere
- Joel Ssebadduka
- Jonathan Mwereza
- Joseph Lusembo
- Joshua Musasizi
- Jovan Kasozi
- Kalyabe Joseph
- Kasujja Abdu Hakim
- Kayitare Edward Junior
- Kwikiriza Safiru
- Leticia Namatovu
- Mathias Nsereko
- Mercy Katushabe
- Monica Mutesi
- Moses Ndejje
- Moses Ssebuwufu
- Najib Ampurire
- Nakawunde Immaculate
- Nakayiwa Angel Gabriella
- Nakazibwe Nakato Josephine
- Nandago Noeline
- Nassonko Brenda
- Nassuna Maria Sarah
- Ndayisenze Geofrey
- Nicholus Mayinja
- Nickson Byamukama
- Norah Betsy Namugwere
- Ponsiano Mayiga
- Richard Ategeka
- Rogers Mukalele
- Rom Stephens Isaiah
- Ruth Nakyanzi
- Sadat Kiryowa
- Samuel Nuwataho
- Shadia Nakayenga
- Sharon Akol
- Sharon Namuleme
- Shawn Ssempijja
- Sheila Wabitereza
- Stephen Dumba
- Sylivia Nakanwagi
- Teddy Nansamba
- Vicent Kaggwa
- Viola Nahwera
- Wasswa Nsimbe Hussein
- William Jackson
- William Jackson
- Wilson Makwasi